Worship is the primary task of all Christians. In his book, The Purpose Driven Life, Pastor Rick Warren tells us that we were created for God's pleasure and that we bring pleasure to God through worship. Worship at Holy Trinity is participatory in nature and is based on the Book of Common Prayer. Each worship service includes scripture readings, a sermon, prayers, and Holy Communion. Each week, we offer at least three similar but slightly distinct worship services:​​
​Sunday Mornings:
8:00 a.m. - Holy Eucharist Rite 1 (traditional language without music)
10:30 a.m. - Holy Eucharist Rite 2 (contemporary language with music)
11:30 a.m. - Healing Service (laying of hands and anointing with oil for the sick)
Saturday Evenings (October - May)
4:15 p.m. - Holy Eucharist Rite 2 (contemporary language without music)​
The 10:30 a.m. and the Healing services are livestreamed on Facebook Live.

Worship Assistants
Worship Assistants assist the clergy in leading worship as ushers, readers, intercessors, acolytes, Eucharistic Ministers, etc. If you wish to be involved in any of these roles please contact:
Pat Casson-Fleming (352)-406-9586
Fr. Samuel (352)-787-1500
or click below to send an email:​
Discipleship (Christian Formation)
Discipleship at Holy Trinity refers to the various opportunities we offer to our members and guests to grow in knowledge, understanding and appreciation of their relationship with God in Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Discipleship opportunities at Holy Trinity include but are not limited to Adult Sunday School, Wednesday Bible Study, and Confirmation Class.
The Choir is a group of adults who love to sing all kinds of music. The choir leads the congregation in singing hymns, and it regularly offers special music (especially choral anthems). Under the direction of a choir director, they meet for rehearsals every Wednesday evening at 7:00 pm, September through Trinity Sunday. The choir is always open to new members.
Current Members (as pictured top left to bottom) : Barbara Turner, Sharon Redding - Music Director, Dottie Noble, Rose Nsengiyumva, David Gnau, Naomi Aldrich, Judy Goodner, Michael Quinlan, Emily Ware, and Russ Casson

Music is an integral part of our worship. Whether you're a seasoned singer or new to choir experience, we invite you to share your musical talents and join our choir family.
Interested in joining our choir for the upcoming season? Contact Sharon Redding:
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild's duties consist of setting up for regular worship and special services - weddings, confirmations, baptisms, and funerals, etc. They also care for the silver, brass, linens, altar hangings, and vestments. There are three teams of 5- 6 members each that rotate every two weeks. While on duty, teams meet to clean and set up for Sunday services. On Sundays, at least one member of the team is present at each service to clean up afterwards and set up for the next service as appropriate. The Guild is the priest’s partner in helping to ensure the worship life of the parish runs smoothly. This is a ministry of love undertaken in the name of Christ.

Invite Welcome Connect
Our Invite Welcome Connect team is responsible for planning, promoting, and facilitating all activities that help us fulfill our mission of inviting, welcoming, and connecting all people to God and one another. Activities include but are not limited to Sunday Hospitality & Fellowship, Newcomer Gatherings, Special Events, etc. The team is also responsible for planning and facilitating community engagement initiatives aimed at creating public awareness of what God is doing at Holy Trinity.
Current Members:
Judy Gygi – Team Leader
David Aldrich Joan Ballard
Doris Brennan John Canner
Karen Hammen Bonnie Hultin
Elizabeth Mustin Deb Yee
Holy Trinity’s various Outreach ministries are intended to provide opportunities for us to live out the gospel mandate of feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, sheltering the homeless, and other human needs in the name of Christ. (Matthew 25:31-46) . We strive to respond to a variety of needs, directly or indirectly, locally, nationally, and internationally. Beyond our primary outreach to our community through our school, we are actively engaged in our community and beyond in many other ways. Our basic approach to Outreach ministry is through partnerships with other organizations with shared missions. Through the rector’s Discretionary Fund, we can respond to a variety of needs such as lodging, medical care, rent, utilities, etc. Each Easter and Christmas, the Outreach team assesses and recommends the beneficiary of our Easter or Christmas offering as our way of sharing the good news of God’s Love in Christ Jesus. If you wish to be part of the Outreach Team, please feel free to contact Annette or Fr. Samuel.

Men's Group
The Men’s Ministry at Holy Trinity is intended to provide the men of Holy Trinity and their friends an opportunity to gather in Christian fellowship and service to our church and community. Current activities include the monthly Hot Breakfast on the 4th Sunday of every month. In service to our community, the men of our parish also play a major role in our outreach ministries especially our partnership with the Salvation Army where they volunteer to prepare and serve breakfast, and participate in the Christmas Bell Ringing Campaign. The group is open to all the men of our parish and their friends.
(Pictured Left to Right): Sid Yee, Randy Siver, Jim Kelly, Terry Osborn, and Bob Mustin

Buildings & Grounds
Our historic buildings and grounds require ongoing tending to preserve their beauty and functionality. A group of members of the congregation have taken on the task of repairing, maintaining, and improving our facilities. This is accomplished through the individual skills and talents of each team member, other members of the congregation, or by the hiring of appropriate contractors.